Katzenstein vs. Dollar General Continued: Standard of Review in Appealing Workers Comp Claims

Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorney, Jeffrey Hark. Previous related articles: Katzenstein vs. Dollar General: Standard of Review in Appealing Workers Comp Claims Award of Temporary Disability Benefits is a Final Judgment and May Be Appealed As a result they file an unemployment compensation claim. Unfortunately, what you place in the unemployment compensation claim could…

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Workers Compensation and Sexual Harassment

TORTS | WORKERS’ COMPENSATION 36-2-8576 Louis v. Burger King Corp ., Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Plaintiffs alleged she was sexually assaulted and harassed at her employer’s work place.  As a result, she filed a law suit in the Superior Court based on common-law claims based on theories of negligence and vicarious liability for injuries…

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Samuel Roman vs. Treeminator Tree Service

Issue:  Fraudulently misrepresenting your business on a workers comp policy will risk voiding any and all coverage! Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case, in 2007, petitioner Roman started a business, Treeminator Tree Service, Inc. He and his girlfriend, Sandra Flores, were both employees of the business and by 2012…

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