Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark 62-2-3970 Patel v. Showboat Casino, App. Div. (per curiam) (6 pp.) Petitioner appeals a perceived inadequate fee award to his counsel on a motion for medical and temporary disability benefits in the Division of Workers’ Compensation. Because the fee awarded was in accord with applicable law…

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Submitted by Workers’ Compensation Attorney, Jeffrey Hark 62-2-3969 Parascandolo v. Dept. of Labor, et. al. , App. Div. (Espinosa, J.A.D.) (26 pp.) The appellant held two part-time jobs when she was temporarily disabled as a result of an injury at her employment by the Board of Education. She received temporary disability benefits (TDB) through her…

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Workers Compensation and Temp Agency Employees | Injured on the Job

Submitted by New Jersey Workers Comp Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark DANIEL HERNANDEZ, v. PORT LOGISTICS, a corporation  Submitted April 8, 2014 – Decided April 30, 2014 The issue in this case is the relationship between a temp worker hired by a temp agency working at a location assigned to him by the employer.  The temp worker is considered…

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The Importance of Scientific Evidence in Workers’ Compensation | Yanecko v. Waste Management

Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. 62-2-3403 Yanecko v. Waste Management, App. Div. (per curiam) (13 pp.) Plaintiff’s employer, Waste Management, appeals the Judge of Worker’s Compensation’s order finding that Yanecko suffered a compensable occupational injury leaving him 25% permanently partially disabled due to “orthopedic residuals of a chronic lumbosacral sprain with findings of disc herniation…

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No Compensation for Worker Hurt Crossing Street From Company Lot

A worker hit by a car while crossing the street to her office from a garage where her employer provided parking was not injured on the job, the New Jersey Supreme Court says. Overturning a workers’ compensation award, the justices said the garage was not under the employer’s control, despite its renting of parking spaces…

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