Rbiai Ouazene v. Board of Review and Dell Marketing LP

Rbiai Ouazene v. Board of Review and Dell Marketing LP Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Ouazene,was fired from his employment and attempted to collect unemployment benefits. The deputy director found Ouazene eligible for benefits. Dell appealed, and a hearing occurred before the tribunal, which reversed the deputy’s decision.” Ouazene, appellant, was employed…

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How can you attack the police’s probable cause or ‘Terry stop’ when there is an informant providing information to the police undercover?

As the informant’s information independently confirmed by the officers at the scene??? State of New Jersey v. Jeffrey Thomas Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark On May 14, 2015, Sergeant Ricardo Diaz was assigned to the Trenton Crime Suppression Central Unit. This unit was established to help suppress violent crimes in the most…

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Can the police search my car based on the smell of marijuana

Should I sign the consent search form  and agree to let the police  search my car with my daughter there only because the police told me they were going to get a warrant anyway?  The cop said “it would be a lot easier if you just allowed me to search the car, We’re going to…

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What is a “Graves act” offense”?

Is there a difference between the legal requirement for “a permit to carry a weapon” in New Jersey and the legal requirements needed for first obtaining ‘a firearms purchasing ID card’ before possessing a weapon under the criminal code for convection? Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case the defendant was…

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