Order Denying Defendant’s Request to Terminate His Alimony Obligation

Steuber v. Desmelyk Docket No. A-600-19T2 Decided December 28, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Family Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division reviewed a trial court’s order denying defendant’s request to terminate his alimony obligation initiated by a Matrimonial Settlement Agreement (MSA) entered into just eight months prior. In Steuber, after 7…

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Modifying Child Support and Alimony on Changed Circumstances After Plaintiff’s Business Was Investigated for Fraud

T.S. v. P.T. Docket No. A-0679-18T2 Decided December 22, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Family Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division reviewed a trial court’s order modifying child support and alimony on changed circumstances after plaintiff’s business was investigated for fraud and lost a contract. In T.S., after 14 years of…

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Matrimonial Settlement Agreements Must Be Clear, In Writing, and Preferably Filed with the Court

Figueroa v. Figueroa Docket No. A-0043-19T2 Decided September 28, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Family Law Firm, Hark and Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division reviewed a trial court’s ruling denying an application to modify the parties’ Matrimonial Settlement Agreement (MSA) because defendant did not read it before signing and failed to demonstrate…

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Motion To Terminate Or Modify Alimony and Child Support | Fiore v. Fiore

Fiore v. Fiore Docket No. A-4672-17T4 Decided July 6, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Law Firm, Hark and Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division reviewed a trial judge decision to force defendant to pay part of her child’s college expenses, reduce the child support she was receiving, and make her pay…

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