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NJ Voluntary Prescription Monitoring Program ( PMP)

Effective September 1, 2011 New Jersey has instituted a ‘voluntary’ prescription monitoring program (PMP) for all licensed medical providers who are empowered with the ability to prescribe CDS and Human Growth Hormone dispensed on an out-patient basis. The intent of the program is to monitor those individuals who are attempting to obtain prescription medications through more than one source with the same single CDS prescription. Although the Medical Board and the Division of Consumer Affairs is couching this program and one to protect the patient, the real motive is more along the lines of BIG BROTHER.

The PMP will allow the Board of Medical Examiners and Attorney General’s Office to monitor (1) ALL narcotic prescriptions any one doctor written based on your DEA AND NPI number, (2) the volume and regularity of the NARCOTIC prescriptions being written to any one patient, and (3) who and where the NARCOTIC prescription are being filled. Also, the program will allow a physician to investigate who else is writing any prescriptions for the patient under the doctor’s care.

The effects of this monitoring program are significant in two ways. On the surface it looks like the patient will now not be able to lie to the doctor about his prescription history. Secondly, the doctor will be able to see who else is writing the narcotic prescription for the same patient. However, the monitoring program and access to this clearing house of patient information has created an additional standard of care. Now an attorney will be able to argue that if the patient’s prescription history is not checked prior to any narcotic medication being prescribed, and there is an overdose or other illegal activity, the doctor may have criminal or civil culpability.

This clearing house location will primarily assist the DEA, FBI, Board of Medical Examiners, Attorney General’s Office and local law enforcement prosecute doctors for writing illegal prescriptions which are filled by different locations and at a greater frequency that indicated by the medication in questions. FBI and DEA can not get the patient info, especially when cash is involved, as a result they are seeking to obtain the info from the source; where the narcotic prescription is originating.

For further details on matters such as these, please visit our Professional License Defense website.

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