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New York Court System Plans to Relax Coronavirus Restrictions

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark.

New York’s court system plans to thaw out its coronavirus restrictions, saying it will take initial steps to open up the courts for pending nonessential cases starting Monday.

Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence Marks made the announcement in a memorandum this week to trial court judges and justices. The state court system shut down all nonessential services last month in a pitch to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

The decision mirrored moves from other institutions to cut down on in-person interactions that can spread the coronavirus, which is tied to more than 7,000 deaths in New York as of Thursday, according to state figures.

Marks’ memorandum, issued Tuesday, states the ban on filing new nonessential matters will continue, but the system will move to open up remote access for nonessential cases that are pending.

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