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Graham v. Silver Care Nursing Center |

39-2-3115 Graham v. Silver Care Nursing Center, App. Div. (per curiam) (10 pp.)

Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark

Defendant appeals from the order of the Workers’ Compensation Court awarding petitioner medical and temporary disability benefits for injuries caused by an admittedly compensable accident, arguing that the record lacked sufficient credible evidence to support the finding of the compensation judge, who accepted the opinion of petitioner’s expert, that petitioner’s fall at work accelerated and exacerbated a preexisting asymptomatic arthritic hip to such an extent that hip replacement surgery was required. Noting the enhanced deference accorded the findings of compensation judges where their expertise is a relevant factor, the panel affirms, finding that the compensation judge’s findings and conclusions are supported by sufficient credible evidence in the record and comport with applicable law.


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