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Did you apply for a permit to purchase a firearm in New Jersey? Was your request for a firearms purchasing ID card denied?

Did you apply for a permit to purchase a firearm in New Jersey? Was your request for a firearms purchasing ID card denied? Do you believe the police chief and/or his investigator did not do a proper investigation and you were wrongfully denied?

Submitted by New Jersey Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark.

Please call our office to address any of these questions. There are significant legal requirement the municipal police chief and or his representative must complete prior to granting or deny any firearms purchasing ID request. You have a right to appeal any denial to a trial court judge in your county. You have to make sure you provide enough information to counter any investigation hurdles that may be used to deny your application.

IN THE CASE OF THE APPEAL OF THE DENIAL OF A.M.’S APPLICATION FOR A FIREARMS PURCHASER IDENTIFICATION CARD outlines the necessary steps that the municipal chief of police assigned to a municipal police department investigator. As a result of that review the Appellate Division found nothing was done wrong or improperly or incomplete.  However the application and appeal process must be handled in a specific matter to in sure that the municipal police consider all the factors prior to your application being denied and you having to appeal. Why? Because the trial court gives deference to the municipal chief of police executing an executive function of protecting the house on welfare of the public as it pertains to any gun application.

Jeffrey S. Hark, Esq.
609-471-1959. Cell

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