As a Passenger, Did the Police Get You Out of the Car Without Any Reason?

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Were you ever a passenger in a motor vehicle the with the police conducting a motor vehicle stop. Did the police get you out of the car without any reason? Have you been threatened or harassed during a motor vehicle stop by law-enforcement?  Was there absolutely no…

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When Do Police Have the Right to Approach you with Guns Drawn

State v. Ford & Williams Appellate Division Nj August 24, 2018–Pulled over or approached by the police with guns drawn Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark In this recent Appellate Division decision the court overturned a trial judges ruling regarding evidence obtained from a defendant the police and countered and immediately drew their…

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Rbiai Ouazene v. Board of Review and Dell Marketing LP

Rbiai Ouazene v. Board of Review and Dell Marketing LP Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Ouazene,was fired from his employment and attempted to collect unemployment benefits. The deputy director found Ouazene eligible for benefits. Dell appealed, and a hearing occurred before the tribunal, which reversed the deputy’s decision.” Ouazene, appellant, was employed…

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Man accused of stealing pension money from deceased police officer’s kids

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark A 58-year-old New Jersey man stole more than $22,000 in pension money intended for the children of a police officer who died in 2012, authorities said. Mark Johnson (Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office) Mark Johnson, of Egg Harbor Township, took six pension checks and deposited them into accounts…

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The State of New Jersey in the Interest of Z.M., a Juvenile

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Full case can be found here: The State of New Jersey in the Interest of Z.M., a Juvenile On January 2, 2017, at approximately 11:00 p.m , plaintiff Z.M.’s father went to the Vernon Township police, concerned about his son’s well being. Z.M. did not currently live…

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How can you attack the police’s probable cause or ‘Terry stop’ when there is an informant providing information to the police undercover?

As the informant’s information independently confirmed by the officers at the scene??? State of New Jersey v. Jeffrey Thomas Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark On May 14, 2015, Sergeant Ricardo Diaz was assigned to the Trenton Crime Suppression Central Unit. This unit was established to help suppress violent crimes in the most…

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Don’t Represent yourself… Hire an attorney who can and knows how to represent you pre-trial and during the trial….NOT after you loose and convicted !

State of New Jersey v. Robert A. Davies Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark On a August morning in 2007, defendant, Robert Davies insulted a man, Mario Chavez, in the men’s room of a bar in Margate. Defendant said, “this was not his country and he should leave.” Chavez complained to the management…

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