State v. WInt NJ Supreme Court Decision Miranda is still alive in NJ

State v. Laurie Wint (A-28/29-17)(079660) Argued September 26, 2018 — Decided December 12, 2018 Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Issue: Did Pennsylvania detectives violated Edwards v. Arizona, 451 U.S. 477 (1981), by attempting to question defendant Laurie Wint in Camden and later questioning him in Pennsylvania after he earlier requested counsel. The Court…

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Kelly v. Gwinnell–“The New Jersey (Minority) Rule for Social Host Liability”

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. 96 N.J. 5382 476 A.2d 12193   Marie E. KELLY, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Donald C. GWINNELL and Paragon Corp., Defendants-Appellants, and Joseph J. Zak and Catherine Zak, Defendants-Respondents. 4 Supreme Court of New Jersey.5 Argued Feb. 21, 1984. Decided June 27, 1984.6 [476 A.2d 1220] [96 N.J. 540] Nicholas G.…

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PCR Motion and the Need for a hearing with testimony.

I want to file a post conviction relief motion after trial because I do not believe my attorney represented me as well as he should have. No, in this particular case the court does not have to conduct a hearing if the petitioner, the defendant, is not able to make a prima facia showing that it can satisfy…

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Cyber harassment and the use of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and email

State v. Carroll, New Jersey Appellate Division decision approved for publication November 8, 2018 Can I be charged with harassment or cyber harassment for posting a comment on Facebook with no specific target as a possible victim.  Also this is an appeal from a initial determination of detention of the defendant entered by the Superior…

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What is a Speedy Trial right? When are my “Speedy Trial Rights” violated?

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. What is a Speedy Trial right? When are my “Speedy Trial Rights” violated? I already rote a blog addressing the Suppression in this case.  The facts are in the other blog.  However, this court also analyzed the defendant’s claims that his speed trial rights were violated and…

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Suppression of Evidence from a police “Terry Stop” due to a violation of a municipal ordinance (Curfew Violation)

State v. Welch New Jersey Appellate Division (Unreported Decision November 7, 2018) Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case the police approach a defendant who is alleged to have violated a curfew issued from Hurricane Sandy.  The facts are as follows: 1) Officer Calleja testified that in the bright moonlight, aided by the patrol vehicle’s…

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