September 9, 2018 |

Submitted by New Jersey DWI Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this DWI appeal the defendant attempted to argue that the state’s failure to introduce the State Trooper’s Alcotest operating card at the time of trial was a violation of  the NJ Supreme Court mandate of State v. Chun and as a result of state’s failure to comply with…

Appealing an Administrative Agency Decision

September 9, 2018 |

Submitted by Medical License Defense Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Today we are reviewing a physcian’s appeal of NJ State department/administrative decision.  In this case the Board of Medical Examiners (BME), after significant factual record was developed through testimony, affidavits, records admitted, and hearings, rendered a decision revoking a doctor’s license. The doctor appeal the agency decision…

As a Passenger, Did the Police Get You Out of the Car Without Any Reason?

September 4, 2018 |

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Were you ever a passenger in a motor vehicle the with the police conducting a motor vehicle stop. Did the police get you out of the car without any reason? Have you been threatened or harassed during a motor vehicle stop by law-enforcement?  Was there absolutely no…

Municipal court prosecutor discretion to prosecute Marijuana possession cases

August 30, 2018 |

Submitted by New Jersey Drug Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. On August 29, 2018 the New Jersey state AG’s office issued guidelines for municipal court prosecutors to follow with regards to prosecuting/negotiating and or dismissing marijuana cases in the municipal court. I have attached a copy of those guidelines here with this blog however I summarize the…

When Do Police Have the Right to Approach you with Guns Drawn

August 26, 2018 |

State v. Ford & Williams Appellate Division Nj August 24, 2018–Pulled over or approached by the police with guns drawn Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark In this recent Appellate Division decision the court overturned a trial judges ruling regarding evidence obtained from a defendant the police and countered and immediately drew their…

Do you want to get a final restraining order (FRO) modified or changed?

August 26, 2018 |

Has a final restraining order been entered against you? Do you want to get that final restraining order (FRO) modified or changed? Were you unhappy with some of the restraints or prohibitions in the restraining order and you want to get them changed or reduced? Submitted by New Jersey Civil Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In the…

Did you apply for a permit to purchase a firearm in New Jersey? Was your request for a firearms purchasing ID card denied?

August 22, 2018 |

Did you apply for a permit to purchase a firearm in New Jersey? Was your request for a firearms purchasing ID card denied? Do you believe the police chief and/or his investigator did not do a proper investigation and you were wrongfully denied? Submitted by New Jersey Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Please call our office to…

Net Opinion Comments of Expert Witness | New Jersey Appellate Court

August 22, 2018 |

Once again the New Jersey appellate court has weighed in on the “net opinion“ comments of an expert. Submitted by New Jersey Slip and Fall Attorney, Jeffrey Hark. Did your attorney hire a qualified expert? Did the expert tie his opinions to the facts as well as the current standard of care and generally accepted…

Rbiai Ouazene v. Board of Review and Dell Marketing LP

August 18, 2018 |

Rbiai Ouazene v. Board of Review and Dell Marketing LP Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Ouazene,was fired from his employment and attempted to collect unemployment benefits. The deputy director found Ouazene eligible for benefits. Dell appealed, and a hearing occurred before the tribunal, which reversed the deputy’s decision.” Ouazene, appellant, was employed…

Medical marijuana user’s boss can drug test him, court says

August 17, 2018 |

Submitted by New Jersey Drug Crime Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark A New Jersey business does not have to waive its requirement for mandatory drug testing for a worker who uses medical marijuana, a federal court has ruled. Daniel Cotto Jr. of Bridgeton had sued Ardagh Glass citing the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination after the company wouldn’t…