Constantinopoulos v. Morgan Realty & Dev., LLC: Submitted by New Jersey Civil Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Plaintiff owned a house across an estuary from defendants’ marina. In October 2012, plaintiff’s home was severely damaged by Superstorm Sandy. Plaintiff alleged that several boats from the marina struck his home. Plaintiff’s expert found that damage to unsecured boats…
State v. Stoveken: Submitted by New Jersey Drug Crime Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The pertinent issue in this case was whether a grand jury subpoena was sufficient to access prescription drug information maintained in New Jersey’s Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP). Defendants, along with others, were involved in a conspiracy to distribute oxycodone. During an investigation of…
Troncoso v. Zamel Docket No. A-3315-18T3 Decided June 9, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Divorce Law Firm, Hark and Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division reviewed a trial judge decision to force defendant to pay part of her child’s college expenses, reduce the child support she was receiving, and make her pay…
State v. J.L. Appellate Docket No.: A-2859-18T4 Decided June 5, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Domestic Violence Law Firm, Hark and Hark In an unpublished opinion, the Appellate Division of New Jersey reversed a judgment of conviction where a telephonic Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) hearing led to a search warrant for firearms under the Prevention…
D.C. v. E.C. Docket No. A-3462-18T4 Decided June 3, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Family Law Firm, Hark and Hark In a recent unpublished decision, the Appellate Division reviewed a decision to grant a final restraining order (FRO) against a defendant who lived out of the State of New Jersey, and who did not have…
Samol v. Vanlaningham: Submitted by New Jersey Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The facts of this case are as follows: One morning in March 2016, defendant Ryan P. Vanlaningham left for work at his part-time job at Party City in Bridgewater. A high school student, Vanlaningham, was operating his mother’s vehicle. The store…
All N.J. Workers’ Compensation Courts shall continue to be closed to the public and to non-essential court personnel until Monday, June 29, 2020. Judges of Compensation shall continue to hear as many workers’ compensation matters as possible by telephonic and video conferencing, including emergent and non-emergent matters, such as, trials, pre-trial conferences, motions for medical…
State v. Chavarria: Submitted by New Jersey DUI Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Defendant, Chavarria, originally entered negotiated guilty pleas to two counts of driving with a license suspended for a second or subsequent DUI violation, DUI, and refusing to provide a breath sample. In accordance with the plea agreement, the trial court sentenced him to an…