L.E.A. v. M.A. Docket No. A-4174-18T3 Decided December 16, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Domestic Violence Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division reversed a trial court’s denial of a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), as the Court failed to make appropriate findings as to a predicate act, failed to make credibility…
State v. Shaquille Appellate Docket No.: A-4139, 5085, 5677-17T3 Decided December 15, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark In an unpublished opinion, the Appellate Division of New Jersey reviewed a trial court’s denial of a motion to suppress where police entered a home and a hotel room investigating a shooting and using emergency…
Submitted by New Jersey Drug Crime Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark
Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics 738 December 14, 2020 The Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics (ACPE) has issued an opinion regarding negative online reviews relating to a lawyer’s profile or website. Essentially, the ACPE has decided that a lawyer may only respond online to former or prospective clients…
Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Defendant Darren E. Richardson was found guilty of third-degree possession of a controlled substance, namely marijuana, with intent to distribute and numerous other charges. He was sentenced to eight years of incarnation with four years of parole ineligibility. State of New Jersey vs Darren E. Richardson Detective Vincent…
Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark
Jusino v. Lapenta, 442 N.J. Super. 248 (N.J. Super. Law. Div. 2014) December 10, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a published decision, Judge James Savio, J.S.C., issued a decision regarding fees experts can charge the party taking their deposition in personal injury matters. In Jusino, plaintiff was operating a…
State v. Marsh Appellate Docket No.: A-3519-18T1 Decided December 8, 2020 Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark In an unpublished opinion, the Appellate Division of New Jersey reviewed a trial court’s denial of an adjournment request to postpone a homicide trial, leading to defendant entering a plea deal, In State v. Marsh, on November…
Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark