Understanding the Different Levels of Information Officers Need When Investigating to Be Able to Properly Make an Arrest and Charge Someone with a Crime

February 17, 2021 |

State v. Williams Appellate Docket No.: A-3746-18 Decided February 16, 2021 Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished opinion, the Appellate Division of New Jersey reviewed whether a warrantless search was appropriate recovering cocaine from a trunk after officers continued to smell raw marijuana emanating from the vehicle despite already finding…

A South Jersey woman stole $600,000 from her employer and spent it on luxury goods and plastic surgery, police say

February 12, 2021 |

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. A former human resources manager at a South Jersey shipping-container company has been charged with stealing more than $600,000 from her employer and spending it on designer clothes and handbags, a vacation in Puerto Rico, and plastic surgery, Burlington County authorities said Thursday. Karen O’Brien, 41, of Maple…

Even If an Employee Is Volunteering, They Might Be Able to Still Make A Compensable Claim for Workers Compensation

February 11, 2021 |

Goulding v. NJ Friendship House Docket No. A-48 Decided February 8, 2021 Submitted by New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent decision, the New Jersey Supreme Court reviewed whether an injury occurring during a Family Fun Day in which an employee volunteered to work without pay is compensable for workers compensation purposes. In…

Evidentiary and Discovery Rulings Can Make or Break A Defense to A Criminal Action

February 10, 2021 |

State v. Desir Appellate Docket No.: A-43-19 Decided February 9, 2021 Submitted by New Jersey Drug Crime Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent opinion, the Supreme Court of New Jersey reviewed whether a defendant is entitled to discovery stemming from a purchase of narcotics by a confidential informant (CI) even though the defendant was not charged…

Hiring Preference Bill Approved by New Jersey Assembly Committee as Part of New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act

February 1, 2021 |

Submitted by New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The NJ Assembly Labor Committee recently passed bill A-2617 sponsored by Assembly members Murphy, Benson, and Reynolds-Jackson. This bill requires an employer with at least 50 employees to provide a hiring preference to an employee who was injured in a work-related injury, has reached maximum medical…

J.M. v. C.K. FAMILY LAW 2021-01-19  NJ Appellate Division

January 29, 2021 |

In this case, there is a custody battle between mother (J.M) and father (C.K) over their two children. Submitted by New Jersey Family Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The defendant and plaintiff divorced after more than 10 years of marriage. The property settlement agreement (PSA) provided joint custody of their children. However, the primary residence of the children…

State V. Pinson: Search Warrants and the Truth

January 29, 2021 |

State v. Pinson, 461 N.J. Super. 536 (App. Div. 2019) Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. ISSUE: Whether a Law Division judge improperly invalidated an arrest warrant when he ruled that an affiant made a false statement in support of the arrest warrant, excised that statement from the affidavit, and concluded the affidavit no…

Counsel Fees (And Counsel Fee Awards) Are Always an Issue When Lawyers Are Involved in a Divorce

January 29, 2021 |

Wilk v. Wilk Docket No. A-5013-18T1 Decided January 28, 2021 Submitted by New Jersey Family Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished decision the Appellate Division reversed a trial court’s decision to award plaintiff $40,000 in counsel fees payable by defendant at the conclusion of their divorce. In Wilk, The parties were married for eighteen…

Evidentiary Rulings Can Make or Break A Defense to a Criminal Action

January 28, 2021 |

State v. Kane Appellate Docket No.: A-1996-18T4 Decided January 26, 2021 Submitted by New Jersey Drug Crime Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent unpublished opinion, the Appellate Division of New Jersey reviewed a trial court’s denial of a motion to suppress in which detectives surveilled the defendant based on a confidential informant and prior knowledge…

Graves Act Has Significant Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Unlawful Possession of a Firearm

January 26, 2021 |

State v. Rodriguez Appellate Docket No.: A-3586-19T4 Decided January 25, 2021 Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In a recent published opinion, the Appellate Division of New Jersey reviewed a prosecutor’s denial of a Grave’s Act waiver and a trial court’s reversal of that decision, granting the waiver. In State v. Rodriguez, a search…