Tracking child pornography through the internet

January 24, 2012 |

The Federal Adam Walsh Act created a FBI department responsible for the identification and tagging of all possible videos containing child pornography with hidden computer codes which can be searched for from remote FBI locations through out the country.State and Federal authorities will execute a search over the internet for the hidden codes they have…

File Sharing and child pornography

January 23, 2012 |

File Sharing: What it is and why it can lead to criminal charges related to Child Pornography Federal & State law prohibits the possession of child pornography. In addition, the laws absolutely prohibit the distribution of any pictures. Current file sharing programs that allow the use of remote connected computers to act as pier-to-pier networks…

NJ Voluntary Prescription Monitoring Program ( PMP)

January 18, 2012 |

Effective September 1, 2011 New Jersey has instituted a ‘voluntary’ prescription monitoring program (PMP) for all licensed medical providers who are empowered with the ability to prescribe CDS and Human Growth Hormone dispensed on an out-patient basis. The intent of the program is to monitor those individuals who are attempting to obtain prescription medications through…

NJ Lawyers Soliciting Traffic Ticket Offenders

January 6, 2012 |

In the last ten years New jersey lawyers have been soliciting citizens who have beenissued traffic tickets though computer access to the NJ court system records.This week several local representatives have prepared a bill that would criminalizeany such solicitation.The legislative intent reflects that that public has come to dislike the intrusionto private lives the solicitation…

Stop and Frisk

December 28, 2011 |

State v. Privott, 203 N.J. 16 (2010) In this case, the Supreme Court of New Jersey made three essential holdings. The Court ruled that: 1) the police officer had specific and particularized reasons for conducting an investigatory stop of the defendant, 2) the totality of the circumstances justified the officer’s decision to frisk the defendant,…

The Rights of a Health Care Provider

December 24, 2011 |

A licensed health care provider has a fundamental vested right to her license; therefore, efforts to deprive her of that license require the licensing authority to prove its case by clear and convincing evidence. (Ettinger v. Board of Medical Quality Assurance (1982) 135 Cal. App. 3d 853, 856.) The Ettinger court clearly explained why it…

Unpaid Child Support

December 12, 2011 |

In 1995, NJ Legislation (Chapter 334) attempted to increase the collection of unpaid child support by requiring plaintiffs or their attorneys in all civil lawsuit actions to do one of the following: File a certificate with the Probation Department identifying the plaintiff, requiring that staff in the Probation Department search that name in the ACSES…

State v. J.A.C.

December 7, 2011 |

Background: In a criminal sexual assault case, Defense Counsel attempted to introduce sexually explicit instant message (IM) conversations between a girl who was a minor and several adult males who were not charges with any offense or were related to the criminal case in any manner. Defense Counsel intention was to prove that the alleged…

Summary of Fernandez v. Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance

November 2, 2011 |

Facts: On February 4, 2004, Sebastian Fernandez was critically injured in a car accident when the automobile he was driving was struck by a commercial vehicle. After winning an award at arbitration, Mr. Fernandez instituted an action for a declaratory judgment regarding his entitlement to the funds. Both he and Nationwide, his insurer, filed motions…

State v. P.A.C.

October 14, 2011 |

In the recent case of State vs. P.A.C. New Jersey courts have explicitly held that “engag[ing] in three or more drug sales does not in and of itself make [one’s] conduct a ‘repetitive criminal activity.’” State v. P.A.C., ___N.J. Super. ___ (App. Div. 2011) and as a result the prosecutor’s denial of Defendant’s PTI application…