Falling Does Not Speak for Itself When it comes to Negligence

June 4, 2014 |

Submitted by Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Ortiz v. Bernal, decided June 2, 2014 by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, is a good opportunity for this blog to review some principles of tort cases, specifically slip-and-fall cases. In this case Ortiz, who had slipped and fallen at the Elegante Cafe in Camden,…

Exigency and Warrantless Search | State of New Jersey vs. Witt

June 3, 2014 |

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark One of the requirements for conducting a warrantless search is exigency, or to use another word, urgency. The leading case concerning exigency is State v. Pena-Flores in which the Jersey Supreme Court claimed that it was just reaffirming three decades of New Jersey common law which all…

Third Time DWI Offense: Prior DWI Convictions may Enhance the Sentence for a Subsequent Refusal Conviction

June 3, 2014 |

Submitted by New Jersey DWI lawyer, Jeffrey Hark State v. Roger Paul Frye (A-30-12) (070975)  Argued February 3, 2014 — Decided June 3, 2014 The Court considers whether a previous conviction for driving while intoxicated (DWI), N.J.S.A. 39:4-50, may serve to enhance the sentence for a subsequent conviction for refusal to submit to a breathalyzer…

Evidence: Probative Value v. Prejudicial Effect on the Scale of Justice

May 30, 2014 |

Submitted by Criminal Defense Attorney, Jeffrey Hark. State v. Fereirra decided on May, 7 2014 was an appeal to the N.J. Superior Court, Appellate Division, that considered the balance between the probative value of evidence submitted and the prejudicial effect it has on the jury. By prejudicial effect what is meant is that some evidence…

Right to a Fair Trial | State of New Jersey v. R.W.H. and Cyber Harassment

May 29, 2014 |

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark State v. R.W.H. was decided by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division on December 13, 2013 and considered some of the factors that could deny a defendant a fair trial. The case concerned the Defendant, the estranged mother of their children, T.J., and her new…

New Jersey Creates Cyber Harassment Statute

May 28, 2014 |

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark There have been recent developments to New Jersey Harassment Statutes that all people with cell phones, computers and internet social media access should be aware of. As of January 1, 2014, N.J.S.A 2c:33.1 creates the Cyber Harassment Statute. Violation of the Statute takes place when someone uses…


May 25, 2014 |

Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark 62-2-3970 Patel v. Showboat Casino, App. Div. (per curiam) (6 pp.) Petitioner appeals a perceived inadequate fee award to his counsel on a motion for medical and temporary disability benefits in the Division of Workers’ Compensation. Because the fee awarded was in accord with applicable law…


May 25, 2014 |

Submitted by Workers’ Compensation Attorney, Jeffrey Hark 62-2-3969 Parascandolo v. Dept. of Labor, et. al. , App. Div. (Espinosa, J.A.D.) (26 pp.) The appellant held two part-time jobs when she was temporarily disabled as a result of an injury at her employment by the Board of Education. She received temporary disability benefits (TDB) through her…

New Jersey DWI and Suppressed Blood Test Results | A-91-13 State v. Timothy Adkins (073803)

May 21, 2014 |

Presented by New Jersey DWI Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Should the defendant’s blood test results be suppressed in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Missouri v. McNeely, 133 S.Ct. 1552, 185 L.Ed.2d 696 (2013), which held that there is no per se rule of exigency in drunk driving cases? The New Jersey State Supreme…

Warrantless home search and CONSENT? | State v. Coles | State v. Lamb

May 20, 2014 |

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Warrantless Search and Consent Most households in New Jersey are occupied by more than one person who exercise control over the premises, which begs the question of who can grant consent to conduct a warrantless search. Two cases were decided May 19th by the N.J. Supreme Court…