Trial Judge’s Abuse of Discretion for Prejudicial Admitting Evidence

December 11, 2015 |

Submitted by New Jersey Civil Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Factually, this case addresses a plaintiff’s pre-and post car accident history relative to the subject of the law suit.  The defense attorney asked questions about a plaintiff’s driving history in front of the jury in an effort to show the plaintiff was involved in 5 other accident after…

General evidence of careless driving is inadmissible to show how someone drove on a particular occasion.

December 10, 2015 |

Gonzalez-Caceres v. Murray, Appeals Court Standard of Review. Submitted by New Jersey motor vehicle accident lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case there are several issues to analyze and discuss.  Factually, this case addresses a plaintiff’s pre-and post car accident history relative to the subject of the lawsuit.  The defense attorney asked questions about a plaintiff’s driving history in…

N.J. state trooper admits driving drunk during on-duty crash

December 9, 2015 |

Submitted by New Jersey DWI Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Trooper accused of DWI: ‘Where we going with this?’ Internal police car video obtained through a records request shows interactions between Sgt. Michael Roadside, a state trooper accused of driving drunk on duty, and the troopers responding to the scene of his October 2015 accident. This video…

Gibbs vs. Camillo: Measuring the Value of Pain and Suffering, Disability, Impairment, Loss of Enjoyment of Life

December 8, 2015 |

LINDA GIBBS, ET AL. VS. VIJAY CAMILLO, ET AL. (L-6496-09, MIDDLESEX COUNTY AND STATEWIDE) Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Evidence Issue:    Should the jury be allowed to see the medical records from the doctor’s who testified at the time of trial?  In this case, which a jury returned a personal injury…

Worlds Converge in Deadly Crash on New Jersey Highway

December 7, 2015 |

Submitted by New Jersey Truck Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark In one vehicle there were 13 immigrant workers, men and women commuting home in a van after a long Saturday shift at a Chinese restaurant. In another was a young data analyst heading home after mentoring a teenager. And in another, two farmers hauling a truckload…

Workers Compensation and Sexual Harassment

December 5, 2015 |

TORTS | WORKERS’ COMPENSATION 36-2-8576 Louis v. Burger King Corp ., Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Plaintiffs alleged she was sexually assaulted and harassed at her employer’s work place.  As a result, she filed a law suit in the Superior Court based on common-law claims based on theories of negligence and vicarious liability for injuries…

Detention At Arrest Location For 6 Minutes Held Reasonable!

December 4, 2015 |

State v. Antoine D. Watts (A-21-14) (074556) Argued September 17, 2015 — Decided December 2, 2015 Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark New Jersey Supreme Court decision: The issue in this case is whether the second search of a defendant for 6 minutes after he was initially detained on a street corner…

Samuel Roman vs. Treeminator Tree Service

December 4, 2015 |

Issue:  Fraudulently misrepresenting your business on a workers comp policy will risk voiding any and all coverage! Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case, in 2007, petitioner Roman started a business, Treeminator Tree Service, Inc. He and his girlfriend, Sandra Flores, were both employees of the business and by 2012…

UPDATE: South Jersey Bus Accident Victims Identified

December 3, 2015 |

The two people who were in a Volkswagen Passat that collided head-on with the school bus were identified Wednesday morning. Submitted by New Jersey Bus Accident Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The victims in Tuesday night’s deadly school bus crash involving the Lenape Regional High School girls swim team have been identified. The driver of the Volkswagen…

Congress demands study of trucker hours after Tracy Morgan crash

December 3, 2015 |

Submitted by New Jersey Truck Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark WASHINGTON — Federal lawmakers want a study on truck drivers’ hours in the wake of the New Jersey Turnpike crash that seriously injured comedian Tracy Morgan and killed his friend. The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, which renews federal surface transportation programs through 2020, requires a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration…