Submitted by New Jersey School Bus Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark FAIRMONT — Installing seat belts on school buses has become a hot-button issue throughout the country in recent months, including in West Virginia. On Feb. 4, 2015, H.B. 2582 was introduced in the West Virginia House of Delegates. This bill states, “Beginning July 1, 2015, the…
SUNNIE CORRY, ET AL. VS. JOHN BARBIERI, February 5, 2016 Appellate Division Unreported Decision Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark This case addresses the status of new Jersey’s residential property owner’s sidewalk immunity. The facts are very simple and address clearly the status of RESIDENTIAL immunity. The plaintiff alleges that, on November 28,…
CRIMINAL LAW | MOTOR VEHICLES 14-2-9069 State v. Darling, App. Div. Submitted by New Jersey DWI Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. On Feb. 8, 2014, a police officer stopped defendant’s car for a random registration check when it used a license plate reader attached to the police cruiser. The defendant, who had prior DWI suspensions and Driving While Suspended guilty…
TORTS | PERSONAL INJURY Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Baez v. Inserra Supermarkets, Plaintiff appealed the dismissal of her personal injury complaint, in which she alleged that she fell because of a depression in the sidewalk adjacent to defendant’s supermarket after she exited the market. The panel affirmed substantially for the…
A Gloucester Township school bus and an SUV collided early Friday morning. Submitted by New Jersey School Bus Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Emergency crews were called to respond to a school bus accident in Gloucester Township, N.J. shortly after 8 a.m. Friday morning. Medic units were on the scene, and CBS3 says some injuries have been reported. According to, students were…
A vehicle allegedly hit the rear bumper of the bus, school officials said. Submitted by New Jersey School Bus Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Newark, NJ – A school bus carrying six Newark charter school students was involved in an accident on Wednesday morning that resulted in hospital visits for three of the passengers. According to…
Submitted by New Jersey Civil Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. This case addresses New Jersey law regarding the ability of parties to a enter into negotiations and have a meeting of the minds regarding the use of an arbitration clause in their contract. Arbitration is a tool used by two parties to a contract to resolve their legal…
Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorney, Jeffrey Hark. Previous related articles: Katzenstein vs. Dollar General: Standard of Review in Appealing Workers Comp Claims Award of Temporary Disability Benefits is a Final Judgment and May Be Appealed As a result they file an unemployment compensation claim. Unfortunately, what you place in the unemployment compensation claim could…
Submitted by New Jersey Fuel Truck Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark ROXBURY, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — Two people were injured Sunday afternoon in a fiery crash on Route 80 West in Roxbury, New Jersey. A sport-utility vehicle collided with a tanker truck at Exit 30 on Route 80 West in Roxbury around 4:15 p.m., officials told CBS2.…
Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Attorney, Jeffrey Hark. Katzenstein vs. Dollar General What is the standard of review by the Appellate Division of a Workers Compensation Court Judge’s decision? I have written about this standard of review several times, however, reading this case once again anyone can clearly see the effect the trial judge has when s/he makes determinations of veracity, credibility, and a…