Have you been charged with a gun offense in New Jersey?

December 5, 2016 |

State v. Benjamin Appellate Division Decision decided September 2015 Have you been charged with a gun offense in New Jersey? Did your attorney apply for a Graves Act waiver and appealed the denial to the County Assignment Judge? What is the process? Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. New Jersey gun offenses are…

What Do You Need to Prove Negligence in New Jersey for a Car Accident, For a Slip and Fall, or Any Personal Injury Case?

December 2, 2016 |

Don’t Forget or Overlook the Basics STRUMEIER VS. LENARD In my earlier blog today we discussed the facts of this case and the need for expert testimony to prove certain aspects of the case in order to get to the jury and past a summary judgment motion.  in this case the plaintiff fell in a…

Slip and Fall – Do you need an expert? “If your mother does not understand who’s responsible, you need an expert!”

December 2, 2016 |

Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Strumeier v. Lenard    NJ Appellate Division   December 1, 2016 The facts of this case are very straight forward.  On October 6, 2011, Plaintiff fell after stepping into a hole located in the vicinity of the guide rail in front of 444 Harrison Avenue. Donald…

Accident on I-78 causes critical injury, delays traffic

November 29, 2016 |

Submitted by New Jersey Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark WARREN TOWNSHIP — An accident on Saturday morning on Interstate 78 east of exit 36 has resulted in the critical injury of the driver and delayed traffic. The driver, who was a female, was air-lifted to Morristown Memorial Hospital in critical condition, according to the state…

Can the Jury Be Told of a Defendant’s Municipal Court Guilty Finding in a Civil Court Jury Trial Opening?

November 23, 2016 |

Barnes v. Flannery.  November 22, 2106 Appellate Division Decision. Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Often in personal injury cases defendants who caused the crash are charged with violation of the Title 39 Motor Vehicle Code. Long before any civil personal injury trial these defendants usually go to municipal court and either have…

The Inadvertence Requirement From the Plain-View Doctrine

November 19, 2016 |

State v. Xiomara Gonzales   November 12, 2016 NJ Supreme Court Decision Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Gonzales is one of two New Jersey Supreme Court decisions this week outlining a “Plainview doctrine” and the ability of the state to introduce evidence at the time of a suppression hearing or trial. This case…

Police Plain View Doctrine in Your Home

November 16, 2016 |

Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. If the police are lawfully called to your home for a domestic violence investigation are they allowed to walk around and perform a “safety sweep” in order to secure their safety while conducting a domestic violence investigation/call? The resounding answer is no! In this case the appellate…

What evidence was presented to the Grand Jury and what offenses was I indicted for???

November 15, 2016 |

Be aware of what you did and how the prosecutor’s office(s) has presented that information to the Grand Jury!! Submitted by New Jersey Drug Crime Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case the defendant was charged with numerous counts of possession and possession with intent to distribute CDS.  He was involve in numerous undercover sales of…

PIP Benefits Do Not Limit Medical Expense Recovery

November 9, 2016 |

Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The Law Division of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, New Jersey has recently ruled medical expenses exceeding Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) coverage benefits are not limited and are recoverable in a law suit.  In Angel Viruet, Jr. v. Fernando Maoine, the plaintiff was involved in…

Intoxication – Not a Bar to Worker’s Compensation Benefits in New Jersey

November 9, 2016 |

Submitted by New Jersey Worker’s Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. This morning New Jersey’s Appellate Division handed down a decision in Antonio Diaz v. National Retail Transportation, Inc., stating an employee can be entitled to Worker’s Compensation benefits even if the employee is intoxicated at the time of injury.  In Diaz, a mechanic was injured on…