Security guard fatally struck by truck is 11th death on Hudson roads in 2 months

November 7, 2017 |

Submitted by New Jersey Truck Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark KEARNY – A 64-year-old security guard was fatally struck by a switch truck last week, marking the 11th person to die on Hudson County roads in just two months. Shazam Amin was crossing Jacobus Avenue — an industrial section just outside of Jersey City — just…

Tips for a Successful Appeal from Municipal Court

November 6, 2017 |

I was just found guilty in Municipal Court and I want to appeal. What do I have to do to be successful to appeal from municipal court? Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case the appellate division reviews the standard of review of the Law Division judge when you appeal a…

Truck jams morning commute on Route 287 in Hanover

November 1, 2017 |

A 73-year-old Wayne man was driving the wrong way on I-287 on Monday. Oakland police drove beside the man to get him to stop and police said the man was suffering from a medical episode. Submitted by New Jersey Truck Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark An overturned truck on Route 287 south caused extensive backups to the…

Bicyclist Hit By Long Branch School Bus Earlier This Month Dies

October 31, 2017 |

Marva Fitzpatrick, 45, was struck by bus at the intersection of Sairs and West End avenues, police said Submitted by New Jersey Bus Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Watch the video to see what news is breaking around the nation and in your backyard. Story was updated to include the careless driving charge LONG BRANCH – A…

Have you slipped and fallen on cracked surfaces, wet surfaces on a commercial property???

October 24, 2017 |

Have you slipped in your apartment complex? Here is another slip and fall case dismissed by the court. These are not simple cases! You must have your evidence in order prior to filing suit in order to survive your case being dismissed. Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case the…

3-Truck Crash on New Jersey Turnpike Jams Traffic in Newark: Police

October 24, 2017 |

Almost standstill traffic can be seen on the traffic camera after a three-truck crash at the New Jersey Turnpike. (Published 2 hours ago) Submitted by New Jersey Truck Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Two lanes are shut down on the northbound New Jersey Turnpike in Newark as authorities respond to a crash involving at least three…

What to do if you have new criminal charges involving alcohol and a prior DWI history

October 23, 2017 |

Do you have a prior DWI. Have you been convicted of driving under the influence previously. Have you been involved in an accident involving injury or death to a person while you were under the influence of alcohol. These are very substantial questions concerning your prior history and any new criminal charges involving alcohol. Submitted…

Have you been charge with a DWI in New Jersey while being under the influence of only marijuana?

October 20, 2017 |

State v Santos Morales A-3283-16T1  Burlington County Have you been charge with a DWI while being under the influence of only marijuana? Have you been charged with any criminal offense involving being under the influence of marijuana? As New Jersey heads towards legalization of marijuana this issue is going to come up more often. What…

What if you are charged with stealing chewing gum in New Jersey?

October 19, 2017 |

Are you charged with stealing chewing gum? Is this your only criminal charge? Have you been criminally charged with interfering with the custody and visitation arising out of a family case? Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. This is a very peculiar case addressing whether a parent’s decision to not comply with a…

Have you been pulled over for a motor vehicle violation and asked to get out of your car (in New Jersey)?

October 19, 2017 |

Have you been pulled over for a motor vehicle violation in the state of New Jersey? Have the police asked you to get out of your car? Are the police asking you lots of questions once you were out of your car? How far can the police go to ask you questions arising out of…