Do you need new treatment and an increase in your disability award?

January 18, 2018 |

Do you want to reopen your workers compensation case? Did your attorney preserve your right to reopen your case in the future? Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this case the worker/petitioner wanted to reopen his old workers compensation case and seek additional psychiatric disability for depression and other related issues.…

What you need to know if you’re charged with domestic violence and a restraining order in New Jersey

January 13, 2018 |

14-2-5643 L.M.W. v. A.P. , N.J. Super. App. Div. January 12, 2018 Have you been charged with domestic violence? Have you been criminally charged with harassment under NJSA 2C:33-4(c)? Did the court enter a final restraining order based on texts you sent your wife or girlfriend? Submitted by New Jersey Domestic Violence Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In this…

Was a final domestic violence restraining order entered against you? Do you want to appeal the judge’s findings?

January 7, 2018 |

Did the judge ordered a restraining order even though there were no act of domestic violence? MC vs. GT Submitted by New Jersey Domestic Violence Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions call my office so we can represent you on appeal. If you are worried about the judge finalizing…

If the judge said the plaintiff did not satisfy the New Jersey domestic violence act evidentiary burdens, then how can she impose the restraining order against me anyway?

January 3, 2018 |

MC vs. GT Submitted by New Jersey Domestic Violence Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. If the court makes a ruling that the evidence has failed to prove a violation of the act, and the parties are not credible, the court then cannot impose the restraints authorized by law regardless of the evidence. In this New Jersey Appellate…

I was injured on a New Jersey Transit bus. Can I sue? How do I prove my case?

January 3, 2018 |

Dawkins v. One Bus, Decided December 29, 2017 Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. The facts of this case are very straight forward.  The plaintiff-bus passenger was injured when several unruly passengers came onto the bus and assaulted the plaintiff when she was about to exit the bus, striking her and throwing…

New jersey slip and fall sidewalk primer!— Did the homeowner Create or Exacerbate a hazardous condition that caused injury? I fall on my neighbor’s icy sidewalk. Can I sue them?

December 28, 2017 |

Perez v, Bator, New Jersey Appellate Division  December 19, 2017 Have you slipped on an icy sidewalk between two of your neighbors?  Who’s at fault?  What is the residential sidewalk immunity in New Jersey for snow and ice?  Did the homeowner “CREATE OR EXACERBATE’ THE DANGEROUS CONDITION  that caused the injury in question? The facts…

Review of an Administrative Law Judge Decision — I want to appeal a New Jersey State Board Decision How do I do it, and do I have a chance of winning?

December 28, 2017 |

In the Matter of the appeal of NJ Department of Education Board Decision to Revoke the Substitute Teaching License of Craig Bell. December 19, 2017.   What is the standard of review when a licensee appeals an ALJ decision to the Appellate Division (which is a direct appeal? Our review of the decision of the…

Legalization of marijuana and the effect on the New Jersey criminal and driving public.

December 22, 2017 |

With the changing of administrations in New Jersey, one of the greatest anticipated public policy changes will be the legalization of marijuana. Submitted by New Jersey DWI Defense Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Numerous state representatives and senators have been pushing for the legalization of marijuana, both Republican and Democratic, for the last eight years without any…

State v. Akeem Boone (A-3-16) (077757)Search Warrant issues

December 19, 2017 |

Why is a search warrant so important? What do the police need to put in a search warrant to get into my house?  How can the police search my house?  What do the police need to tell a judge to get a search warrant?  My house was searched and i don’t have the search warrant?…

What do the police need to put in a house search warrant?

December 19, 2017 |

Why is a search warrant so important? What do the police need to put in a search warrant to get into my house?  How can the police search my house?  What do the police need to tell a judge to get a search warrant?  My house was searched and i don’t have the search warrant?…