Submitted by New Jersey Child Pornography Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Office of the Prosecutor Camden County has posted a new item, ‘Winslow Township Man Charged with Distribution of Child Pornography – June 7, 2018′ Patrick Sardoma, 22, of Sicklerville in Winslow Township, was charged with Distribution of Child Pornography and Possession of Child Pornography on June 5,…
Submitted by New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Joan Archacavage (plaintiff) was attending her grandchild’s play on December 6, 2013, at Northern Burlington County Regional School District. After the play was finished plaintiff and plaintiff’s daughter (Andrea Tilton) went to get the grandchild, who happened to be wheel chair bound. On their way to…
Is my license going to be suspended and am I going to jail? I have traffic court coming up. I was driving more than 85 mph and I sat in court while the judge suspended other drivers licenses for going in excess of 20 mph over the speed limit. Am I going to jail and…
Has this happened to you or something like the following: I strained my back at the end of my shift but did not tell my boss. I got up this morning and now my back is killing me who should I talk to and what should I do?. Submitted by New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Lawyer,…
Submitted by New Jersey Domestic Violence Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Today were going to do a review one particular issue of the Domestic Violence law in New Jersey. We are going to examine the harassment and constitutes harassment. I’ve been charged with harassment I need to know for my job if that is that a domestic…
Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. By Nick Wingfield May 22, 2018 SEATTLE — In late 2016, Amazon introduced a new online service that could help identify faces and other objects in images, offering it to anyone at a low cost through its giant cloud computing division, Amazon Web Services. Not long after,…
Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark Office of the Prosecutor Camden County has posted a new item, ‘Detectives Seeking Public’s Assistance in Haddon Heights Bank Robbery – May 18, 2018’ The Camden County Prosecutor’s Office and Haddon Heights Police Department are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a man who robbed a bank today. The…
State v Patel decided May 14, 2018. Middlesex County PTI denial appeal. Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. I need to appeal the PTI denial letter what do I do? How can I be successful and appealing my PTI decision? Should I fight my PTI denial? How can I get into PTI so…
Submitted by New Jersey Dump Truck Crash Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Multiple injuries were reported after a school bus and dump truck collided Thursday on an interstate in New Jersey. The crash happened on Interstate 80 in Mount Olive, located about 50 miles west of New York City. New Jersey State Police tweeted the law enforcement…
My boss told me to come to work or I would be fired! I was injured on the way, can I make a comp claim??? These are really interesting and legal questions which the New Jersey appellate court revisited this week. Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark In this case employee Minter…