Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. My boyfriend or husband has sexually explicit naked photographs and videos of me on his cell phone and he is threatening to disseminate the videos and pictures he possesses. I already have a restraining order against him for other stuff, can I get one about this issue…
Submitted by New Jersey Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark On February 8, 2012 around 8:00pm, Brain Rice (plaintiff) was at a pub located on Route 70 in Cherry Hill. Plaintiff randomly decided to go purchase a “Powerball” lottery ticket across the street at the gas station. Plaintiff did not drink the beer he just…
Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In 2011, a contractor repaired certain floor damage in defendant’s home. At work he made his legal assistant prepare a fake (fraudulent) contractor’s invoice and send it to his homeowner’s insurance company for payment. After the investigation, authorities charged defendant in a May 2015 with two third-degree…
Submitted by New Jersey Drug Crime Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. On May 30, 2013 three officers from Edison Township were conducting a drug distribution investigation. The officers received a tip from a confidential informant (CI) about the defendant selling drugs from his hotel room. The police conducted surveillance of the scene and confirmed te CI’s description…
I fell in the parking lot at work before I clock in for the day at my public sector job. i would not have been in the parking lot, but for going to work. Am I entitled to Accidental Disability Benefits?? Submitted by New Jersey Slip and Fall Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In these two virtually…
Mount v. Trustees Submitted by New Jersey Workers Compensation Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. On January 10, 2007 Officer Mount was on duty when a severe accident occurred. Mount was the first responder on scene and saw the accident prior to the fire engulfing the vehicle and three teenagers in the car. Mount did not have the…
State of NJ, In the Interest of J.A. New Jersey Supreme Court Decision June 6, 2018 Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. New Jersey State police use “find my iPhone” App to locate a defendant who allegedly stole a victim’s cell phone and other personal belongings. In this case the police enlisted the…
Did you even get pulled over for a safety issue and then get a ticket for something else? Was the cop looking out for your safety? How many tail lights need to be working? STATE OF NEW JERSEY v. RYAN SUTHERLAND, Submitted by New Jersey Criminal Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. During the evening of February 3,…
B.H., v. Board of Trustees, Public Employees’ Retirement System, Submitted by New Jersey Civil Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. In September 2012, B.H. (petitioner ) sent a text message to her boyfriend’s children dictating what she wanted to say. The first message told the children that their dad’s been injured in an accident and she left a…
Dector v. Minoj and Township of Livingston Submitted by New Jersey Slip and Fall Lawyer, Jeffrey Hark. Irma Dector (plaintiff) was walking on the sidewalk in front of 16 Post Lane. The address belonged to Mr. Hejib (defendant). Plaintiff’s foot got caught on the raised portion of the sidewalk. This trip caused plaintiff to facture…